Gender and Protection Analysis: Juba, Rumbek and Pibor, South Sudan
OxfamDocument type
Research reportDescription
This research was conducted to analyse the distinct gender needs and protection concerns of women, girls, men and boys in order to inform the implementation by Oxfam and its partners of the Sida-funded project, ‘Building resilience through gender- and conflict-sensitive approaches to education, skills development, and sustainable livelihoods in South Sudan’. It explores the gendered power relations between women, girls, men and boys, with a focus on the differences in their roles and responsibilities, decision-making power and access to and control over resources. It draws attention to the limited decision-making power held by women and girls, their specific needs, and the rights denials they face pertaining to education and livelihoods in Juba, Rumbek and Pibor. It provides practical recommendations to meaningfully address gender inequalities during project implementation, but is also intended to be used by the broader humanitarian community working in South Sudan to better inform humanitarian design, programming and response.