Falling Through the Net: A Survey of Basic Labour Rights Among Migrants Working in Thailand's Fishing Sector
Teerakowitkajorn, KriangsakPublication date
Food and livelihoodsGovernance and citizenship
Natural resources
Private sector
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CSO CoalitionDocument type
Briefing paperDescription
The purpose of this report is to document the rights situation of workers in Thailand’s fishing sector, particularly in the context of recent reduced international pressure. In January 2019, the European Union lifted its ‘yellow card’ from Thailand, following important strides of the Government of Thailand in addressing violations of Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, including those related to labor rights. Nevertheless, the CSO Coalition for Ethical and Sustainable Seafood (CSO Coalition) remains concerned that reduced international pressure may lead to a gradual easing of enforcement of the strict measures and law enforcement that the government introduced. We are also wary of potential discrepancies between the hastily enacted Labor Protection in Fisheries Act 2019 and actual implementation on the ground. To prevent lapses in progress, the government needs to carefully manage the transition from policy reforms to effective policy implementation.