Refugees: Welsh Baccalaureate Resources for the Global Citizenship Challenge
Bagloriaeth Cymru: Ffoaduriaid - Her Dinasyddiaeth Fyd-eang
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Active citzenshipDisplacement
Refugees and migration
Welsh Baccalaureate
Taking Action
Case Studies
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Oxfam EducationDocument type
Education resourceDescription
Imagine being forced to flee your home.
Use photographs, stories and facts to develop empathy and increase your learners' understanding of the issues facing refugees.
Learn more about the experiences of refugees across the world. Develop an action plan to meet the Global Citizenship Challenge whilst making a difference in your local community.
-Think about how migration influences our everyday lives
- Use a quiz to develop understanding of human migration
- Explore international human law definitions
- Question where the world's largest refugee populations move from and go to
- Think critically about what you would take if you were forced to flee your home
- Use an issue tree to consider the causes, effects and solutions of the refugee crisis
- Go on a treasure hunt to find out more about the refugee crisis
- Reflect on the human rights of people forced to flee
- Discuss what a good future for refugees should look like
- Use evidence to establish facts, make inferences and raise questions
- Consider the best action to take in response to the refugee crisis.
Dychmygwch orfod ffoi o'ch cartref.
Defnyddiwch luniau, storïau a ffeithiau i ddatblygu empathi a chynyddu dealltwriaeth eich dysgwyr o'r materion sy'n wynebu ffoaduriaid.
Gan feithrin ymagwedd gyfranogol, dysgwch ragor am brofiadau ffoaduriaid ledled y byd. Datblygwch gynllun gweithredu i fodloni'r Her Dinasyddiaeth Fyd-eang, a gwnewch wahaniaeth yn eich cymuned leol yr un pryd.
Lawrlwytho pob Adnodd Addysgu