Bringing Data to Life for 14-16 years: Statistical approaches to real global issues
Dod â Data'n Fyw ar gyfer disgyblion 14-16 oed
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Cumulative frequency graphData visualisation
Handling data
Interpreting data
Pie chart
Scatter graph
Lesson Plans
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Oxfam EducationDocument type
Education resourceDescription
Develop maths skills and enthuse learners with real-life data collected from research projects in Mali and Ethiopia.
Learners will deepen their existing knowledge of data-handling to consider grouped data and explore the relationship and correlation between different sets of data. Analyse women's collective action projects in Mali and Ethiopia and the impact they have on women's empowerment.
Ewch ati i feithrin sgiliau Mathemateg ac ennyn brwdfrydedd dysgwyr gyda data bywyd go iawn a gasglwyd o brosiectau ymchwil ym Mali ac Ethiopia.
Bydd dysgwyr yn dyfnhau eu gwybodaeth bresennol am drin data er mwyn ystyried data wedi'u grwpio ac archwilio'r berthynas a'r cydberthyniad rhwng setiau gwahanol o ddata. Dadansoddwch brosiectau gweithredu ar y cyd i fenywod ym Mali ac Ethiopia, a'r effaith y maent yn ei chael o ran grymuso menywod.