Going Digital: Improving data quality with digital data collection
Oxfam GBSeries
Going DigitalDocument type
Case studyDescription
Three years on from the Going Digital: Using digital technology to conduct Oxfam’s Effectiveness Reviews pilots, where we shared learning on the added value of using digital technology to conduct our impact evaluations, Oxfam continues to develop its survey techniques through the use of technology. The second paper in this series, Going Digital: Using and sharing real-time data during fieldwork, demonstrated how Oxfam was sharing real-time data during fieldwork to increase engagement and participation in surveyed communities, as well as improving integration between qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. In this third paper, we present some of the features enabled by digital data collection technology that we have been piloted and used to improve quality and accuracy of data. It also explores ways in which the ethics of respecting privacy can be improved in survey data collection.