Stand and Deliver: Urgent action needed on commitments made at the London Conference one year on
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On 4 February 2016, the international community agreed on a ‘comprehensive new approach’ to address the protracted Syria crisis at the “Supporting Syria and the Region” Conference in London. Donors, and neighboring countries, which host the vast majority of those who have fled Syria, committed to significant financial pledges and policy changes to improve the lives of refugees and host communities. Important steps have been taken to improve the provision of education and livelihoods in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. Donors have performed well in terms of aid disbursed and committed for the current financial year, and some host governments have made significant policy changes. Much more remains unaccomplished, however.
Nearly one year on from the London Conference, this report sets out what needs to be done to ensure that people’s lives are positively and measurably impacted by the funding disbursed so far. It calls on governments and donors to share responsibility with Syria’s neighbors for refugees, and it urges governments to assure the legal status of Syrian refugees so they can access education and work.