Policy Influence in Vietnam: Evaluation of participatory poverty monitoring
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Governance and citizenshipKeywords
Active citizenshipCapacity building
Local Government
Research methods
Policy influencing
Monitoring and evaluation
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Oxfam GBSeries
Effectiveness ReviewsDocument type
Evaluation reportDescription
This evaluation is presented as part of the Effectiveness Review Series 2013/14, selected for review under the citizen voice thematic area. This report documents the findings of a qualitative impact evaluation, carried out in August 2014. The evaluation used process tracing to assess the effectiveness of the Participatory Poverty Monitoring (PPM) project in Vietnam.
The project was designed in 2006 in response to a perceived need among non-government organizations to better understand and be able to regularly monitor effects of national policies at the grassroots level on marginalized groups. Implemented from 2007-13 by Oxfam GB and ActionAid Vietnam (AAV), the main activity was to conduct ongoing participatory poverty monitoring in selected communities which could provide a solid evidence-base for Oxfam and AAV in the formulation of campaigns and public outreach efforts. The evaluation considered 'the extent and quality of participation in poverty monitoring' and 'the credibility of resarch findings.'
Read more about the Oxfam Effectiveness Reviews.